dilluns, 7 de febrer del 2011


Am I scared? Right now I am not scared. Are you scared? Well, if you are, let me just tell you that you are for the same reasons that I am. I am scared that future weekends won’t be even a shadow of this last one, that they will limit the option of being as free as you/I want. From now on everything is losing. Everything is less. Who said the world is just made for the brave ones? Yes, indeed, I don’t forget it –I don’t forget you-: the world if full of self-satisfied, …., courageous people, whose hearts are fullfilled (don’t you worry about sex, I have already been served). I’ve no idea whether I’ll prefer missing you again or having you again. I don’t know whether I’ll like looking for you again, or having you for the first time.

My hands have never been on your hands, my voice has never been silent, and my lack of conformism will make you go away; I am a coward and I am scared… I haven’t even told you yet, but my wise grandma used to say to me that I am a bird of the forest, not a bird in a cage, because I am scared of commitment – I’m letting you know right now-. Just like Buenafuente said: I want you to love me and to be in love with me, but in some hidden way I can’t perceive. You know what I mean?

This last weekend I have flown like I haven’t flown in ages (yet I’ve spent my life on planes): Barcelona – Madrid - Damascus – Madrid – Rome – Barceloneta – Madrid – Barcelona… And I wasn’t scared. But living without fear scares the shit out of me. We get used to live in fear, and when it is not there anymore then it is as if it couldn’t be right. Where are you, my enemy? It is as if the past had not been hurtful enough to get to you and have an impulse. Today I feel no rage, as if  my vains were bloodless. But I am just nobody without blood, that is not me. I lose direction and I smile because I just can’t believe it
As healthy as that, and as corrupted as the most perverse mind could imagine, I wanna thank you.
What a fucking awesome weekend have you offered me!
Thank you.


Por? Ara mateix no tinc por. Tens por? doncs si la tens, deixa'm dir-te que la por que tens tu és la mateixa que tinc jo. La por de que els caps de setmana que pugin venir no puguin fer mai ombra aquest cap de setmana passat, limiten l'opció de poder seguir sent una mica més lliure del que realment vols/vull. D'aqui en endevant tot és perdre. Tot és menys. Qui va dir-me que el món era fet de valents? Si, és clar, no l'oblido -t'oblido-: de valents amb la panxa plena i el cor servit -del sexe no te'n preocupis; vaig servit-! No sé si m'agradarà més seguir trobant-te a faltar com fins ara o tornar-te a tenir, no sé si m'agradarà buscar-te de nou o tenir-te per primer cop. Les meves mans no han estat mai les teves, la meva veu no ha estat mai silenciosa i la meva disconformitat et farà marxar; soc covard i poruc.... no t'ho he dit mai encara, però, la meva sàvia avia sempre m'ha dit que sóc ocell de bosc que no de gàbia! per por a comprometre’m -això t'ho dic jo ara-! Com diu el Buenafuente: Jo vull que m'estimis i estiguis enamorat de mi però que no se't noti! No se si m'explico?

Aquest cap de setmana he volat com feia temps no ho feia (i això que la meva vida passa bastant dintre dels avions) : Barcelona - Madrid- Damasco -Madrid - Roma - Madrid - Barceloneta - Madrid -Barcelona....i no he tingut por! I viure sense por m'espanta. Ens acostumen a viure amb por i quan no la tens sembla que no pot ser!
On ets enemic?. Sembla que el passat no m'hagi fet prou mal com per recórrer a tu i tenir impuls. Avui no tinc ràbia i sembla que no em passi sang per les venes. I jo sense sang no soc ningú, no sóc jo..... perdo la direcció i se m'esboça un somriure d'incredulitat.
Tant sà com això i tant corrupte com la ment més perversa vulgui imaginar-se et dono les gràcies.
Quim cap de setmana m'has regalat collons!