dimecres, 30 de març del 2011



When Light Matters

I saw them one of the last few times I was in New York at the Guggenheim Museum. I didn't really know what I was going to see. Awsome. Shadow sculptures plays with light’s function of revealing. However, they serve it with a twist. Spot light seems to shine on a seemly randomly piled heap of trash, as if saying “look at these trash!” The hidden art is actually revealed in the play of light and shadow.

I remember when I just get to the room where this sculpture made with dead rats was, I was shocked by the shadow, so precise and carefully projected on the wall.

Is what we see really what we think?

Tim Noble and Sue Webster began collaborating during their studies at Nottingham Polytechnic and studied together at the Royal College of Art. Appropriating the guerrilla tactics adopted by media-hungry celebrities’ attempting to gain fame, Noble and Webster’s unorthodox creations comment on a consumerist society gripped by narcissism. The artist duo is renowned for their series of drawings and their neon and light sculptures which embody the simultaneously glamorous and seedy aspects of contemporary culture. Noble and Webster’s work is held in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, the Museum of Modern Art, New York and the Saatchi Collection, London.


Quan la llum importa

Tim Noble (Stroud, 1966) i Sue Webster(Leincester, 1967) són dos artistes londinencs que realitzen escultures amb deixalles recollides pels carrer de Londres. Però, el fet no són els materials, sinó la forma de porjectar l’escultura gràcies a la llum.

Dirty White Trash (with Gulls), 1998

Formen piles de deixalles sense cap ordre aparent, excepte si s’hi projecta una llum sobre elles des de un punt determinat: aleshores sobre la paret s’hi projecten ombres que formen una obra en si mateixa.

La seva obra “Apocalypse” exhibida a la Royal Academy of Arts de Londres al 2000 els va consagrar internacionalment i des de aleshores han exposat en diversos museus y galeries arreu del món.

Miss Understood & Mr Meanor, 1997
Descrits com uns artistes agressius i cínics, no utilitzen les deixalles a l’atzar, sinó com a denúncia a una societat consumista. També la mal·leabilitat d’aquest material els hi dona un gran marge per treballar amb imaginació.

En aquesta obra s’hi veuen els seus desconcertants autoretrats, on la seva ombra és projectada en diverses posicions.

També hi ha escenes fetes amb una aparença deliberadament sagnant, com quan un ocell picoteja els ulls de ambdós caps clavats a llurs estaques.

Però la majoria no tenen un tema concret fet que ajuda a fer una reflexió individual.

A mi em van realment captivar!

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