dimarts, 15 de març del 2011



Sóc a Madrid i estic produint per primer cop Circ. Una molt bona proposta de la companyia Australiana "Circus Oz" i que està a Madrid amb el seu espectacle "See it to believe it" del 4 al 27 de Març al Teatro Circo Price.. 

L’espectacle és tant bo com accidentat, fet que m'ha portat a un seguit de reunions tenses, visites inesperades a hospitals i tensos assajos continus que han aconseguit fer-me perdre la capacitat de gaudir del Circ, d'ells mateixos, de la ciutat i que han acabat per fer-me posar d'esquena a les adversitats.

Però, tot comença i tot acaba, i sembla que ara estem en aquest punt. Ara que ja portem dues setmanes des de l'estrena no sé jo si som a temps de remuntar la taquilla amb una afluència massiva d'espectadors, que ara si poden dir en veure-ho que és un espectacle rodó.

M'és difícil explicar millor la vàlua de l’espectacle ja que no sóc (tot i apassionar-me) un entès en Circ, així doncs que valoreu vosaltres mateixos....

I mai millor dit: "Passin, passin i vegin...".


Right now, I’m in Madrid producing for my very first time a Circus show. It’s quite an amazing show from an Australian company, “Circus Oz” whose show “See it to believe it” will be at Madrid’s Teatro Circo Price from March 4th to March 27th.

The performance itself is as good as unfortunate, and therefore I’ve suffered some tense meetings, unexpected visits to hospitals and continuous rehearsals that led myself to a place where I am unable to enjoy the Circus, enjoy their company or the city and at the end of the day, I haven’t been able to deal with all of it as I would do otherwise.

Yet, everything starts and comes to an end, and looks like we are almost there. There have been two weeks since the opening, yet I’m not quite sure whether we will be able to overcome the lack of sales even if we happen to recruit an abnormal number of visitors somehow. It’s funny though, since from now on the show will definitely be all right.

It gets hard to me to explain the precise value of the show as I am no expert in Circus, but I’m passionate about it, so I guess the best you can do is watch it for yourselves.

It's a real shame that everything led me to this place where I wasn't able of enjoying  the warmth and love I feel for all and each one of them.

So, “Come on in, and join us…” 

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